Strength as a Nation

by bittahmagicians

In a time of war a nations leader must stand strong and show the people of his or her nation that they are being lead by a strong and composed person. There are many speeches that have been made during times of war, but not all able to express such emotions and themes like Lincoln (Gettysburg Address 1863), Pericles, and FDR (Infamy Speech 1941) did when their time came to make a speech to bring together their nation. These three leaders speeches all contain very similar aspects and also very different points. FDR and Pericles both discuss how in a time of war they feel the vengeance and sense of revenge that they feel and want the rest of the nation to feel to help in the effort of the war. All three leaders want to bring their nations together. As a whole nation “we will win through with absolute victory” and the unity of the citizens is the start (FDR). Lincoln spoke about this also saying “we need increased devotion … for which they(Soldiers facing death) gave” and “that theses dead shall not die in vein”. Lincoln tells his audience and the rest of the US nation that the soldiers that fought for us gave the most devotion any could and as a nation we need to match their devotion in order to succeed in the civil war. A very interesting point that only Pericles touches on is the sacrifice that is needed to accomplish this goal as a nation. There would need to be great sacrifice within the nation for the war effort; not just the soldiers sacrificing themselves, but the whole nation as one. In order for happiness you need freedom and in order for freedom you need war.