America: Rome in DC?

by napoleondynamite296

Rome in its Golden Age represented strength and honor. The sun never set on the Roman Empire during this time and its dominance and culture still resonates within the world today. The newest superpower in the common era, The United States, draws many parallels to the Romans in their time. The United Staes operates around the globe in the name of instilling freedom and democracy wherever they touch. The analogy that America is the new Rome is correct in some ways, but differs in others. The Romans had a military that was unmatched and barley ever defeated. In this case, The United States does not disappoint. They operate as the worlds police force, and any opposer that tries to match the US often is obliterated. The Romans and Americans both have been the leaders of other nations. This has been done to instill more advanced cultures, but both nations let their conquered keep their instilled cultural values like religion and philosophy. They are one in the same because of their philosophical values. Rome, even with an emperor gave most of its power to the people and respected the public. Because of this, Rome and America both have had strong ages as the top superpower in the world. Rome and  the United States differ in some ways too, not only because of the time period the resided in. The Romans did not have to think about states across the ocean and most of their controlled areas were reachable by land. In this case they are not the same because the United States must control the entire populated world in all of its corners. The United States is very young, only being in power for a short number of years. This leads to believe that America has a long life ahead of her with years and years of dominant control. The analogy is correct in their philosophical values and key components, but differs in small but major details.