Leadership in War

by Meat Eating Vegan

In order to be successful in a time of war it is necessary to have a leader for a nation to rally behind. Pericles, Lincoln, and FDR all do good jobs at rallying the people behind them. Pericles does a great job of giving a speech about the soldiers that they lost. He recognizes that Athens must mourn their dead and recognize and be thankful for what their ancestors had done for them, but at the same time must rally behind them and ensure that their deaths are not in vain and not dwell in the past and look forward to the future of Athens. Pericles attempts to rally Athens together through his speech and be a figure that Athens can unite and rally behind in a time of war. Lincoln does the same thing in an attempt to rally the nation together in a time of War. He also shows tribute to the fallen, tries to bring his nation together and support the Union. Finally, FDR rallies the United States behind the war effort at the start of World War 2. By stating that we had been at peace with Japan and that we were attacked for no reason it suddenly makes the attack on Peal Harbor personal for every American citizen. He also diminishes Japan when he says that we were attacked by the “Japanese Empire” thus inspiring even more young American men and women who would be a part of the war effort to fight on the side of Democracy vs Imperialism.